Wednesday 27 April 2011

Set Construction

So I begun construction on the stop motion set. The first set we're making is the interior of a Tavern, probably one of the main "hubs" of the town.

I did some quick draw up's of what we wanted, but mainly went in straight away hammer & saw in hand. That way construction was a bit more spontaneous, so cooler idea's appear quicker. The problem with building like this was sometimes was everythings in your head, so you have more or less no plan to work from, this not only adds more of a challenge to the build, but makes it more fun!

The first shot is one of the bar frame, it's stuck to the base with polyurethane glue, so hopefully it will never fall off. From this point I shall be building the sides of the bar upwards with hardboard, yes it looks ugly, but we shall dress it later with various bits of cardboard.

Seeing as I've only just got around to building the site and blog.. I'll post the next stage of construction now as I did the first part around a week ago.

The walls of the bar are built up with hardboard, now to find a suitable piece of wood for the top of the bar. I'm looking for something with a nice grain that I can sand down and stain if needed.

Here's the built up bar..

Plenty of more construction to come! Next on the list is - Staircase, Wall's & Flooring.


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